
Day 26 – Connecting With The Spirit Of Faith

Christianity is all about taking on spiritual obligations, like positively meeting the expectations imposed by our work, goal, or assignment. God will always wait for us to believe before confirming supernatural possibilities since faith is required for all possibilities.

God uses spiritual gifts to establish us and give us the strength to survive all storms and waves. One of them is the gift of faith, also known as the spirit of faith, which is a trust in God and His Word up until the desired outcome is attained. In the course of fulfilling our ambitions, it prevents us from questioning and modifying our positions. According to Proverbs 18:16, a person’s gift makes place for him and elevates him before powerful people. One of the blessings bestowed upon us is the Spirit of Faith, which paves the way for our own profit.

Every notable achievement in the kingdom is the result of divine connectedness, just as every person has a spiritual foundation. The Holy Spirit of God empowers us to carry out God’s will, to be in the right place at the right time for God to act, and to do our part in encouraging God to fulfill His promise.

It’s Transferable
Certain men have the ability to give other men the Spirit of God. In order for John the Baptist to function at the same frequency as Elijah, he must travel in the spirit and might of the prophet. The prophets’ sons came to Elisha and knelt before him after seeing the same manifestation of the Spirit that was on Elijah. Some heavenly attributes that are transferrable to those who seek them are carried by apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. In the Church, there are, regrettably, too many “pushers” and too many riders. A pusher becomes a rider through the Spirit, and a lot of energy is being lost since the grace necessary for a ride has not been engaged. They flipped the entire city upside down as the Spirit of Christ descended upon them. Jesus was pressing as well, but after receiving the Spirit of Life, He swept the world by storm in just three and a half years. The Spirit provides you motivation, propels you on, and you embark on a vibrant life journey. Since you need that virtue in your life to fulfill your destiny, fight tenaciously for the faith that was once handed to the saints.

You Must Be Thirsty
Genuine thirst is necessary for the Spirit of faith to be given. The Holy Spirit’s ministry was originally introduced by Jesus, who also made it plain what was necessary for anybody to receive Him. In Isaiah 44:3, the Bible warns us that God would send floods on the parched earth and pour water on the thirsty. His talents must first be released into the world, and it must first be filled with a desperation in the soul before He releases His benefits. God will hear the cries of the needy and the destitute, and open rivers in the mountains and streams in the valleys

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