
DAY 1 – The Secret of Saying “Yes”

The most significant information in our faith is about the benefits of developing a secret relationship with God, such as when you are hidden away in a quiet corner indoor, the living word of God spread out before you, Jesus by your side, the Holy Spirit gently cleansing your heart, your love awakened as you reflect on His words, your spirit ignited and renewed, and you communicate with Him in the language of a close friend.

The current world system is built to stifle time and energy for the secret place, but the church prioritizes keeping saints occupied, and there are only a select few Christians whose secret relationship with God is so incredibly sustaining that it encourages others to emulate them.

Many believers struggle to live in the secret place on a daily basis. I understand what it’s like to live below the potential of a Christian life while also feeling helpless to effect change. Church services are available, but they will never be able to match the strength we feel when we sit at His feet and hear His message for ourselves. Instead, we must lift our eyes to the magnificent optimism that resides inside us.

The first Gentile believer was Cornelius, a devoted Gentile who dedicated himself to the private chamber of prayer. He constantly gave to the needy, led a pure lifestyle, engaged in fasting, and frequented the prayer place, according to the Book of Acts, which describes his fourfold piety. Cornelius and his family became the firstfruits of all Gentile believers when God anointed them with the Holy Spirit and made them his home. God powerfully endorsed Cornelius’s priority of building a private life with God by using him as the impetus for the redemption of the nations. Even he must have been surprised by how productive his life suddenly became.

We have a responsibility to our communities, our nations, and the entire world as Christians. God will give birth to something within you as you devote yourself to spending time in the quiet place with Him; this something will eventually spread to all four corners of your sphere as He sees fit.

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