

Faith, hope and love are the trinity of triumph.

Hope is what prepares the way for faith; it is the breeding ground for the Spirit of faith. To be hopeless,therefore, is to be helpless. Our hopelessness is the reason for our helplessness. Not just hope, but a lively hope. Man became hopeless after the fall (Genesis chapter 3). But we were brought back into a lively hope by redemption. Our hope was dead, but came alive when we got born again. We now possess a lively hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

If you’re born again, you’re entitled to every other thing that God can afford. Without hope, faith is impotent, because faith rides on hope to generate its results. Where hope stops, therefore, is where faith ends; as faith can’t go beyond where hope stops. 2 Peter 1:3 says: According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:That tells you that when you are born again, you are entitled to all things that make for life and godliness. That’s where hope stems from. So, new birth is your spiritual access into a life of lively hope. With hope, you never come to your wits’ end; it’s never late for God to step in. God is never late, no matter how the situation may appear. That tells you that when you are born again, you are entitled to all things that make for life and godliness. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

No matter how powerful your faith is, it can’t give birth without a vibrant hope. Hope is the “wife” of faith. Hope is the catalyst for faith, and it is our hope that prompts God’s assistance. It’s time to put your faith in the vibrant hope you were born into because a despairing believer is a helpless believer. God is capable of everything that our faith entrusts to Him, but our hope propels our faith into action.

Setting The Stage

Hope is sparked by God’s Word, and faith makes it real. Although not identical to faith, understanding of the Word prepares the way for faith to perform. Faith is the wife that hope is “married” to, and when hope and faith are fertilized, the desired miracle is born. It is crucial to have a strong spiritual foundation, avoid being overly religious, and adhere fervently to every prophetic prophecy. Hearing repeatedly till it occurs strengthens and energises faith, therefore it’s critical to understand what it takes to bring it home. Both are crucial, yet one cannot exist without the other. Believing in God entails taking action to make things happen, accepting responsibility for what you are hoping for, and waiting for the Lord to speak to you about what He desires. I ask for the ability to work wisely and successfully in God’s Word so that I can relax.

Take Away The Stone!
Faith without hope is impossible. MyIt is the time to rekindle your hope. Strong faith is based on a living hope, just as Abraham’s hope was established on what was said. At Lazarus’s burial, Jesus commanded them to knock down the wall of despair so that faith might work. Hope was lost when they erected the stone at the tomb’s entrance, but Jesus appeared and commanded them to remove it. Do you desire to witness God’s majesty?

The most crucial concept is to remove the stone of hopelessness from the “mouth” of your obstacles and allow your hope to act as the driving force behind your faith, as it was your faith that got you into the kingdom and will get you the victory any day, anytime, and wherever. People are driven into depression by a lack of hope, but as long as hope is present, they will never feel depressed. Your battle with depression is over right now, and today is the day that you win.

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