

God has always designed that the secret place would be a place where He answers us and speak to us. Sometimes, He even apprehends us by thundering to us with His awesome voice. There is nothing more glorious in all of life than hearing His voice! God always longed to have the kind of intimate relationship with His people wherein they hear His voice and respond according.

Looking at Jesus’ teachings, Jesus talked about the necessity of hearing. ” He who as ears to hear, let him hear!” (Matthew 13:9). The most important treasures in the kingdom are predicated upon the necessity of hearing God. The secret of Listening is hearing, God desires to speak to us that is, if we are willing to listen and to hear His voice. When we hear from God; we must act upon the word! Nothing can replace the confidence and authority that comes from hearing God.

Scripture says “Today, if you will hear His voice” (Psalms 95:7). So hearing the voice of God is largely a matter of the will. We must choose to hear Him. We make the choice by setting aside time to listen quietly. This hearing is a “Today” thing that we do. It says “If” because hearing His voice is conditional, being built upon the condition of quieting our hearts to listen. Hearing God is the most Cherished secret of the secret place!

Jesus said of you “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27). You can hear the voice of God. Stop everything, come aside, listen, and wait on Him. Wait until He longs to commune with you. Be encouraged by the fact that you are not the only one who finds listening a very challenging discipline to master. The best attainments in God always come the hardest. Be prepared to make the discipline of attentive listening a lifetime pursuit that will become easy in the doing of it.

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