

One of the most important keys to the conquering Christian life is hearing God in the secret place, but it must be coupled with radical obedience. Radical obedience is listening intently with a submissive spirit and executing His will. It is instant obedience that fully satisfies the commandment. The saint’s first major act of obedience is to devote himself to Jesus’ feet. Total obedience entails being engaged to His task rather than just performing nice deeds. We first sit and listen before getting up to do.

Instead of concentrating on being innovative, concentrate on being obedient because God has a way of negating the designs of man. In order to do this, one must wait in God’s presence, pay attention to His voice, and only take action after hearing from Him. The secret lies in hearing and following His message, and the advantages are immense
What are the benefits of obeying God’s word?
1.Obedience unlocks eternally abundant life.
I am aware that His mandate is eternal life, as Jesus stated. (John 12:50). Use this as a meditation prompt and ask God to enlighten you to the life-giving efficacy of obediently exceeding His order. As you follow His instructions, the vitality that dwells in Him pours into you.

2.Obedience incurs the gaze of God
God has an unique compassion and interest for those who are committed to obeying. But I’ll focus on this one: on the poor, the meek, and those who shudder at My message, the prophet continued (Isaiah 66:2). Trembling at His word indicates two things: first, that we eagerly await His words, and second, that we act on them when they do. He fastens His sight upon us in order to act favorably on our behalf when we quiver in expectation of His message with this level of intense anticipation.

3.Obedience produces greater intimacy
Christ’s affections and His self-disclosure to the human heart are unlocked through obedience. Nothing makes you yearn more than for Jesus to show up in your life! You should obey Him because doing so brings about His presence, not because doing so inspires you to transform people’s lives.

  1. Obedience builds unshakable foundations.
    The remarks of Jesus in Matthew 7:24–27 and John 2:5 are the most significant aspects in this book. Jesus compares those who follow His instructions to a wise man who builds his house on a rock and it stands, in contrast to those who disobey them, who will be like an idiot who builds on sand and it crumbles. True slaves are found sitting at Jesus’ feet and don’t try to give the Master a better idea, grumble, or determine whether they’re in the mood to do it, according to Mary, the mother of Jesus. This is a powerful summary of obedience from John 2:5 that Mary, the mother of Jesus, wrote. They just carry out their duties and claim to be an unprofitable servant in doing so (Luke 17:10).

Servants don’t try to suggest a better plan to the Master, whine that they find the duty pointless, or judge if it is proper for them to carry out the task. They simply go ahead and do it. You must be more obedient as you draw nearer to God. Given that he was aware of God’s methods, Moses had a higher level of obedience than the children of Israel. God told Moses to hide behind the protecting rock’s cleft while he was on the burning mountain and not to emerge from it. It is essential that you strictly adhere to His instructions and remain in your current location.

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