
Day 28 – It Takes Time

There are no shortcuts to maturity. It takes years for us to grow to adulthood, and it takes a full season for fruit to mature and ripen. The same is true for the fruit of the Spirit. The development of Christlike character cannot be rushed. Spiritual growth, like physical growth, takes time. While we worry about how fast we grow, God is concerned about how strong we grow. God views our lives from and for eternity, so he is never in a hurry.

So far we have seen that this journey involves believing (through worship), belonging (through
fellowship), and becoming (through discipleship). Every day God wants you to become a little more like him.
Today we’re obsessed with speed, but God is more interested in strength and stability than swiftness. We want the quick fix, the shortcut, the on-the-spot solution. We want a sermon, a
seminar, or an experience that will instantly resolve all problems, remove all temptation, and
release us from all growing pains. But real maturity is never the result of a single experience, no
matter how powerful or moving. Growth is gradual.

Why does it take so long to change and grow up? There are several reasons;
we are slow learners, we have a lot to unlearn,
we are afraid to humbly face the truth about ourselves, growth is often painful and scary, habits take time to develop.

As you grow to spiritual maturity, there are several ways to cooperate with God in the process. Believe God is working in your life even when you don’t feel it. Spiritual growth is sometimes tedious work, one small step at a time. Expect gradual improvement

Keep a notebook or journal of lessons learned. This is not a diary of events, but a record of what you are learning. Write down the insights and life lessons God teaches you about him, about yourself, about life, relationships, and everything else. Record these so you can review and remember them and pass them on to the next generation. The reason we must relearn lessons is that we forget them. Reviewing your spiritual journal regularly can spare you a lot of unnecessary pain and heartache. Be patient with God and with yourself,Don’t get discouraged.
Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be, God isn’t finished with you, either, so keep on moving forward.


Point to Ponder: There are no shortcuts to maturity.

Verse to Remember: “God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again.” Phil. 1:6 (NCV)

Question to Consider: In what area of my spiritual growth do I need to be more

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