
Day 21 – Protecting Your Church

As much as you desires to enjoy a sweet fellowship that dwell in love so also other people do too. This implies that each person’s is responsible to make it work and to also work towards keeping the unity of fellowship with brethren. God deeply desires that we experience oneness and harmony with each other.

Unity is the soul of fellowship. Our supreme model for unity is Trinity and that is exactly what Jesus prayed for His body(Church) during his agonizing hours. It shows how pressing the matter of unity is to God. Nothing is more valuable to God than his church, therefore ensuring you take part in keeping the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace in the church you find yourself in is paramount to God.

Part of the biblical practical advice to keeping this unity in our fellowship is; focus on what we have in common and not our differences, be realistic in your expectations to see everyone united, refuse to gossip rather confess and resolve your fault one to another.

One of the ways to protect the fellowship is to honour those who serve us by leading and personally be committed to making your church family more warm and loving.

Point to Ponder: It is my responsibility to protect the unity of my church.

Verse to Remember: ‘Let’s us concentrate on the things which make harmony and the growth of our fellowship together’. Romans 14:19

Question to Consider: What am I personally doing to protect unity in my church family right now.

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