
Day 20 – Restoring Broken Fellowship

The Lord has called us into the ministry of reconciliation, amidst our selves as believers we must learn to live peaceably with one another. Christ’s death and life teaches us that love is sacrificial, you cannot claim to love when you hold on tightly to yourself, so also in building fellowship with one another there might be conflicts which we must not leave unresolved.

We must strive to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, speaking words that build up and not kill, quenching the fires of strife, malice, anger, jealousy and everything that tears us apart. Most importantly, our dependence on each other does not mean making others our all in all and our savior, Christ is our savior and not men, when we begin to look on to men for everything, we are setting ourselves up for disappointments.

We should give allowances for people’s weakness, never hold a man’s weakness against him but we must learn to bear each other and correct each other in love. We must learn to resolve our conflicts without tearing apart our fellowship one with another, we might not agree on matters all the time, for Unity is Christ goal for His church and not uniformity, therefore prefer others to ourselves.

Point to Ponder: Relationships are always worth restoring.

Verse to Remember: “Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody.” Romans 12:18 (TEV)

Question to Consider: Who do I need to restore a broken relationship with today?

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