

As we continue in the Christian journey,we must see that we grow in endurance. There are times In life when everything seems dry and dusty like the dry season, we’ll sometimes be void of inspiration. The only way is to get up and say that “I’d doesn’t matter how that going gets tough or the tough gets going,our decision is that we’re never going to quit on our pursuit for God. We are going to abide in Christ no matter the situation of things. It is until we have this great kind of commitment that we’ll have access to some meaningful dimensions of relationship with God.

Even as there are break in seasons,they are necessary for productivity and same as a Christian ‘s life and there are practica examples for that.It’s true that nobody enjoys storms,but they are as well needed for a complete christian life and the only key to our victory is when those storms do not detach us from our secret life in God. when everything is going well or going smoothly is quite easy,but the real endurance is proven only when the hard times come.

When times get tough, it’s tempting to neglect the secret place. Jesus, however, manifested precisely the opposite tendency. When He was hurting, He sought out the place of prayer When Jesus was hurting, He prayed. When He hurt real hard, He prayed even harder. If we respond properly, distress can actually be a gift. Pain can provide tremendous impetus to pray—if we will allow it to catapult us into God’s face instead of polarizing us away from Him
When we are called to endure with joy, it is imperative we find the solace of the secret place. Here it is that we are filled and “strengthened with all might” that we might suffer long. Simply put, godly endurance is impossible apart from a well-nurtured secret life with God. Hardship can be embraced with joy, in my opinion, only when we understand God’s purpose.

One of the greatest challenges, in the place of hardship, is to suffer a long time with joy. It’s not possible in human strength! Which is why Paul prayed that they might be “strengthened with all might,” for it takes the might of God to rejoice through long durations of painful hardship. Being joyful in suffering is a godly quality, for God Himself is “patience and longsuffering with joy.” Consider how much God suffers as He shares the grief of the world and for how long He has thus suffered! And yet although His suffering is stronger than any of us realize, He is also filled with great joy. Only God can suffer so much with such joy. As christians,we should count it all joy when we fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.

Godly endurance is impossible apart from a well-nurtured secret life with God.The only way to be joyful in trials is through “knowing which implies knowing God’s purpose in it. How do we learn God’s purposes in our sufferings? The secret pursuit of God in His word is what will reveal purpose to us. As we see how He carried Bible saints along through their hardships, we begin to see His heart for carrying us through to the same kinds of glorious victories.

The thing that enabled Paul to endure his “thorn in the flesh” was God unfolding His purpose to Paul for the thorn.
Don’t ever give up! Today may be the day when He rewards your devotion with a sublime revelation of the eternal glory of the Man, Christ Jesus our Lord! Through the might of God’s Spirit, any hardship can be endured with joy for the extravagance of such a reward.

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