

Having been born into God’s family of love keeps springing forth unspeakable joy in my heart, just as I now have many brothers and sisters all around me with no barrier of race, ethnicity, background or colour and I saw it to be true what the scriptures say, that in Christ’s family, there’s no division into Jew and Non-Jew, slave and free, male and female – because we’re all one through our union with Jesus Christ (Gal 3:28). I learnt the act of pure love amidst brethren, as no one thought of his or her possession as his or her own, also, also no one is being spared of the rod of truth as the case maybe.

And in the space of time, I began to observe the genuineness in the love that is holding us. I began to see that the love had become adulterated and to some, it’s become a matter of lust, for our gathering and relationship amidst ourselves had become unhealthy and we could not experience the awesome presence of God that accompany pure love and oneness of mind. But the Lord will not leave us to ourselves as He comes visiting in one of our gatherings, to break and put us all together aright, and as He caused us to know the source of the workings of darkness which had been manifesting amidst us was. At this point, we all knew from the height from which we’ve fallen and sought the mercy of God that He may purge and bring us to the pureness of love that was once our soul-bond, and He did answer us as genuine repentance flood every heart.

At once, and without doubt, every man could sense the pure love restored, accompanied with the awesome presence of God and this was the Lord’s final charge to us: now, because of your obedience to the truth, you have purified your very souls, and this empowers you to be full of love for your fellow believers. So express this sincere love toward one another passionately and with a pure heart (1Pet. 1:22,TPT).

Let Brotherly Love Continue!

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