
DAY 4 – Cont. What is Faith?

The Abrahamic Order of Faith
Genesis 12:1-3 of the Bible states that the Lord had instructed Abram to leave his homeland and father’s home and travel to a location where God would create him a powerful nation. Abram was 75 years old when he left, and Lot accompanied him. In Genesis 17:11–13, God instructed Abraham once more to circumcise the flesh of his foreskin as a sign of their covenant. Abraham circumcised the flesh of Ishmael, his son, as well as everyone else who was born in his home and everyone who had been purchased with his money, on the same day. When Abraham was circumcised, he was ninety years old.

Abraham’s faith is an action-based religion that demands demonstrations; it is not a “talk-talk” faith. The stronghold of faith is actual adherence to the Obedience, which also serves as your anchor during storms. Your affirmative answer to God’s Word establishes the veracity of your faith, and obedience always invites God to intervene in your life. When you follow His instructions, you invite His presence where there is a bounty of delight and pleasures for all time at His right hand.

The two most crucial points in this passage are that

  1. Faith is action-based rather than talk-based
  2. Onedience to God’s word is the world of the spirit’s strongest weapon.
    Abraham was not a talk-only believer; instead, he practiced an action-based religion that demanded extraordinary outcomes. Faith is the ability to work with God to shape your ideal future while not holding God accountable for the events that occur. Because of His integrity, God will only fulfill his end of the bargain once you’ve fulfilled yours, and each promise is subject to a set of requirements. God’s part is assured when your part is finished.

Being Fully Persuaded
Faith is being persuaded of the truth up until it prevails. The operation of the truth in faith ensures our victory. Paul exhorts us in 2 Corinthians 2:14 to succeed in Christ and make the savor of his knowledge our business.

A Display Of confidence
Until the intended outcome is attained, faith is a demonstration of confidence in God and His Word. We are urged to practice patience until we get the promised reward in Hebrews 10:35–36.

Partnering With The Invisible
In the light of the scriptures, faith is a partnership with the unseen, typically for the completion of the impossible. Moses is a good example of this since he refused to be referred to be the son of the Pharaoh’s daughter while having the ability to do the unthinkable in Egypt. Like Moses, Daniel was in the company of the unseen and achieved the impossibility. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the blazing furnace, and the unseen intervened on their behalf. This demonstrates the reality of working in active collaboration with the unseen in order to accomplish the seemingly impossible.

A Form Of Spiritual Engraftment
One can walk in practical dominion via faith, which is a type of spiritual engrafting into divinity. The act of taking a tree stem and grafting it onto another tree is known as “grafting” in agriculture. This modifies the engrafted stem’s nature such that it now takes energy straight from the new stock and starts to yield fruit in the same sequence as the new stock it was grafted into. Faith does this by grafting the mortal into the immortal, giving mortals access to the benefits of immortality. Paul the apostle provided astounding clarity to this riddle in Romans by a revelation from the spirit.
Our ability to draw from God’s nature and manifest it in practical domination begins when our faith comes alive in us. Faith is what makes us eligible for God’s engraftment. Bible-based religion is the key to a world of exploits because we now use the energy of divinity to carry out our mission. It transforms weakness into strength, and everything from God (such as God’s wisdom) starts to permeate our mortal system. Everyone starts to wonder where this guy got his intelligence and his amazing achievements. Such is trust!

A Spiritual Energizer
According to the Bible, Sarah was able to conceive and give birth to a kid while she was pregnant thanks to her faith. She was able to grasp strength that was greater than her physical condition because to her faith. For the believer, faith is a source of energy, and it is crucial to defend, protect, strengthen, feed, and nourish it so it can continue to be alive and active to bring about what God has in store for us.

Don’t Assume Faith
It’s crucial to remember that faith is a real force that can be felt and experienced; assuming faith is the root of all dissatisfaction.

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