

The foolishness of faith can be also seen in the Bible when Jesus:
i. Turned water to wine. John 2
ii. Opened the Blind Eyes. John 9: 6-7
iii. Multitude Of Fishes. John 21:5
And we can also see the foolishness of faith when
i. Naaman’s Leprosy was Cleansed. 2kings 5
ii. Virgin Mary Got Pregnant! Luke 1: 31- 35

The foolishness of faith is the winning ticket in the race of life. Whatever God tells you to do, no matter how crazy it may appear, believe it and show that you believe it by doing it. Then your mockers will turn around to envy you.
Note this: “no matter how much you agree with what He is saying, don’t rejoice in your agreement; instead, focus on doing what He is telling you to do.”

If you’re naive enough to be saved, extend your foolishness to every scriptural teaching. There are no pointless instructions in the Bible since it also states that a person will have to account for every pointless word they utter. Jesus could not have been using idle talk when he stated that.You cannot be satisfied until you stop being considered an idiot. If your only goal is to be recognized as wise, you will still fail. God’s ways appear foolish to men who are in a lowly position and who live in their natural world, yet God’s wisdom is far superior to that of humans.

When your feet are washed, the things that Jesus died for are released to you if you believe that God established the mystery of foot washing (in John 13) for the transmission of divine qualities and for the lease of those things into your life. Every command in the Bible has intrinsic characteristics that every believer may relate to via their faith.

Thank God, stupidity of faith continues to be the winning entry in the game of life! Don’t try to justify what God instructs you to do; just do it. By doing it with faith, you are committing Him. You will undoubtedly witness everything he has said come to pass if you are devoted to Him.

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