
Day 15 – Formed for God’s Family

God desires to have people he can call his own, those who can reckon with him as the Father and be called his children. And this is God’s second purpose for your life, that you be a part of the family God is building to love him, honour him and reign with him forever.

Truly, each individuals belongs to a human family here on earth which is a wonderful gifts from God but it a temporal relationships that can be broken inevitably by death. But the family God desired and formed us for was that of a spiritual family (the church) that will continue throughout eternity. Why will it last forever? It because the bond is a permanent one.

Then how can you be born into this God’s family? It is by placing your faith in Christ that God becomes our Father, we become his children and other believers becomes our brothers and sisters. Then the church becomes our spiritual family.

God truly created every human but not everyone is a child of God, faith in Christ makes you one. The astounding gifts that comes by being part of God’s family is; sharing the family name, family likeness, family privileges, family intimate access and inheritance. Becoming a child of God is a path to fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.

Point to ponder: I was formed for God’s family

Question to Consider: How can I start treating other believers like members of my own family?.

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