

The questions that all of the greatest saints throughout history have pondered as they sought God are the most crucial aspects in this work. These are straightforward inquiries, yet the response is significant. Many of us dislike the idea of constantly entering and leaving God’s throne chamber. The “if” in the verse almost drives us nuts with righteous yearning, and Christ’s words in John 15:7-8 are some of the most magnificent phrases in the Bible. An ongoing connection with Christ and His teachings is the key prerequisite for receiving an answer to prayer. While this goal can be attained, it is rarely fully realized. With a strong spiritual appetite and “holy heartburn” to acquire, the author wants this aspect of holy life.

No one can guide us into a lasting connection and that everyone abides in Christ in a unique way. The road to a lasting connection with Christ must be traveled on our own terms, and it is difficult. God creates difficult situations or feelings in our life so that we would push tenaciously towards Christ. Unless the Lord, in His generosity, permits tragedies or problems in our lives that increase our pain level to the point of desperation, the majority of us will never give ourselves over to pursuing an ongoing connection.

The saint enters the God zone, where God acts powerfully and sovereignly in the affairs of mankind, when they have an ongoing connection with Christ. He will lead you to the ancient river that flows far within God’s heart and take you to the source of divine life if you seek Him with all your heart. If you drink from this river, God’s strength will cause everything inside of you and everything around you to tremble.

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