

One of the first thing we must do in the morning is clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ because when clothed with Christ, no accusations can touch us. The Satan accuse us when we’re preparing to come before God (Rev.12:10). Being accused by Satan is an occupational hazard of the secret place. The Satan’s accusations function in at least 4 levels.

1. He accuses God to us: Satan’s accusations always sound like our own voice and thoughts. So, we begin to think that God is not fulfilling His promises to us, we complain about how He’s treating us. That’s why spiritually,God is doing warfare to Satan’s schemes.

2. He accuses us to God: He tells God in our hearing, what a failure we are. Recounting all our shortcomings in full details. God is not fazed in the least by Satan’s revilings, but sometimes,we are. We begin to wonder if God is mad at us and this can make us feel dislodged from the love of God for us if our hearts are not established in grace.

3. He accuses us to each other: He will accuse other saints to us, causing us to doubt their walk with God. He designs to cause breaches of relationship in the body of Christ.

4. He accuses us to ourselves: Satan is especially good at this. He is an expert at berating us for our sins and weaknesses especially when we are desiring to draw closer to God. Some fairly standard means of defusing Satan’s lies include;

Confess and Repent: you’re a lover of God who struggles with sin. Confess it freely to God and receive His forgiveness

Get under the blood: the blood of Jesus has the power to cleanse the defiled conscience. You can go boldly to the throne of grace because you enter by His blood through the veil of His flesh.

Get dressed: put on the full armor of God so that we might pray (Eph. 6). Getting dressed all starts with the belt of truth. Satan’s word is comprised of lies and half truth. Speak the word of truth. Stand in confidence in the truth of who you are in God. It is the truth of God’s word that will enable you to gird up your waist to prepare you to run. Clothe yourself in His breastplate of righteousness. Put on each piece of armor. The shoes of peace, the shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the spirit. This is the time to stand firm, to stand upon the truth until the enemy admits defeat and leaves you for a time. When you clothe yourself with the armor of God, you are putting on Christ. When the Father looks at you, He sees Jesus and He is pleased to have you in His embrace. Our clothing in Christ is now “tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, long-suffering, love” (Colossians 3:12-14). When we realize we’re clothed in the garments of Christ, our confidence level before God soars to the heavens. Satan’s accusation will just bounce off our shield of faith. So, get dressed whenever you’re hit with accusations.

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