

Meditating in God’s word means to slow down the reading pace and to contemplate every word and phrase for deeper and fuller meanings. It is an act of digging out the most we can from each and every word. Through meditation,we are able to unlock the hidden riches of God’s word. Jos.1:8 This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth,but you shall meditate in it day and night,that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and then to you will have good success”.
There is so much more depth to the scripture than what readily meets the eye at first reading. The best ways to meditate God’s word is by asking questions of the text such as;

(1) Who is the writer and to whom is he speaking?

(2) What does the verse say and why?

(3) What does it mean?

(4) Does the verse contain a spiritual principal?

(5) How does this truth apply to my life?.
Some other ways to get answers from meditating are;

(1) Looking through the content of the verses that precede and follow the verse you are studying

(2) making use of other versions of the Bible to get a better understanding of a verse

(3) checking for cross references i.e where else the verse occurs in the Bible

(4) looking for words that occured more than once.

By studying the word of God,we are depositing good treasure within our inner being and the only way to internalize good treasure is by squirreling it away diligently in the secret place of meditation. Once you come alive to the delight of meditating in God’s word, you’ll become addicted. The secret place becomes your favorite place because it is where Jesus feeds you personally. The sweetest morsels are those which Jesus gives directly to your own heart. When the Holy Spirit custom-fits the word to your life circumstances,the sustaining power of His personalized word has the ability to carry you through great tribulation.

The word of the Lord will satiate your appetite like nothing else and it also kindles an incredible hunger for more and you are driven to the place of meditation by that hunger.

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