

As Christians, our fire which sets us burning for the face of Jesus and for the concerns of the kingdom are lit up in the secret place. Jesus coming to earth is with the intention of setting us on fire with His own desires and passions, and this same fire must be constantly stoked by the intimate passion of the secret place so as to maintain the intensity. Your longiness to be a firebrand of holiness is the reason why you’ll never be satisfied with status quo Christianity.

To be set on fire for God, you must get close to Him and His word because His word alone is a fire and His presence is embodied in fire. Time to retreat yourself comes as a result of feeling cold,far,and not in scope”spiritually which implies you placing yourself before the fireplace of God’s word and your fervency being restored by the intensity of His face.

The secret to staying ablaze for Jesus is not really in what people think about rather, t’s the place where “the spirit of burning” ignites your soul as you gaze upon His glory with an unveiled face. The Scripture says, “‘The Spirit who dwells in us is a jealous one so that Christ’s bride might be set on fire extraordinarily for her beloved. A dangerous prayer we often pray “Holy Spirit, let Your burning jealousy have its consuming way in my life, until every competing affection and false god is completely burned away and until one raging, all-consuming passion fills my entire be-ing—love for the altogether Lovely One, the Man Christ Jesus!”
It’s quite impossible that a man takes fire to his bossom without his clothes being get burnt or a man walking bare footed on hot coals without his feet getting hurt. That’s exactly how it is when you draw close to the fire of God’s word, you’re taking fire into your bossom,also when you step into the dreadful presence of His secret place, your are automatically walking on hot coals.

A perfect example of a man who burned for God is John the Baptist and while he was finally into his ministry,he was described as a living flame. John was a man set on fire from heaven, a man who incubated his love for God through a steadfast commitment to solitude in the secret place, and thus he became a shining lamp for the entire nation to behold. The people came from all over to see this fire. People are always attracted to a great fire.Do something dangerous. Get alone with God! His “consuming fire” will burn away all from your life, until all that’s left is love itself. This is our God, “Who makes His ministers a flame of fire” (Hebrews 1:7). God is also willing to make you one and that’s only if you’ll let Him.

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