
Day 25


After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee, preaching the good
news of God: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come
near. Repent and believe in the good news.” (Mk1:14-15)

The kingdom of God is the rule of God in the hearts of people around
the world. Every church that follows Christ is part of the kingdom of God.
If you are a true disciple of Jesus, you must obey His clear command to
“seek first the kingdom of God” (Matt. 6:33). If we are to truly follow
Jesus, God’s kingdom must be our priority just as it is Christ’s.
God always relates to you and your church with a world on His heart.
As He speaks to you, He thinks of the masses around the world who do not
yet know Him. Scripture explains that God so loved the world that He was
willing to pay any price to bring salvation to those who were in danger of
perishing (John 3:16). You cannot love God without also loving what
He loves. God cares for all the peoples of the world. He does not favor
people from certain countries or nationalities or skin colors or political
affiliations. He loves people , and He desires that no one perish. God knows
the full, horrific extent of what it means to perish for eternity, and He does not want that to happen to anyone. Notice the heart of God as revealed in
the Bible.
God’s desire is that “every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:11). God the Father was
willing to go to enormous lengths to bring this about by sending His very
Son to die on a cross for humanity’s sin. Now, as He carries out His plan to redeem humanity, He has raised up the church as His instrument to bring a
world to Himself.
God plans to use local congregations to make disciples of all nations.
I’m pleased to hear of many churches who are sponsoring record numbers
of mission trips around the world. International mission agencies are calling
on churches to adopt people groups and to take responsibility for bringing
the gospel to specific nations. We must keep in mind that God expects us to have the entire world on our hearts, just as He does.
God loves the entire world. He is constantly at work extending His
kingdom. His kingdom includes every believer on earth. God looks for
those who will make the pursuit and extension of His kingdom the chief
aim of their lives. Those who are faithful in the assignments God gives will be entrusted with more.

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